
The Marxist Concept Of Communism

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To properly understand the Marxist concept of communism, one must start where Marx himself does, with an understanding of the evolution and revolutions that created the current class system. Unlike Rousseau and Hobbes, Marx does not begin with a hypothetical human state of nature, but instead recounts the human history of hierarchy, saying, “the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles” (Marx, 14). He then traces these struggles, from ancient Rome to the problems of his own age, proving that no matter the time period or circumstances, in all recorded history the upper and lower classes have constantly been at odds. This has resulted in an ever changing power structure, the oppressed toppling their …show more content…

Instead of the laborer creating a product, and then reaping the benefits of his own labor, under the bourgeoisie the worker is forced to do menial labor to create products he will never own. Marx categorizes this working class as “a class of labourers, who live only so long as they can find work, and work only so long as their labour increases capital” (Marx, 18). Marx asserts that the capitalist system forces the worker to sell himself as nothing more than labor, dehumanizing and devaluing himself with every product he creates. According to Marx this causes the worker to lose all individual character and become nothing more than an appendage of the machine (Marx, 18). In Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, Marx further explains the concept of alienation, describing three main types: alienation from the product of labour, alienation from the act of production, and finally alienation from one’s own humanity. Marx begins by discussing alienation from the product of one’s labor, because it is the root of all alienation. A laborer, when creating a product, must give a part of himself to it, however, that piece of himself can never be owned by him. Therefore, it is turned into something forging to him. As a worker produces more and more he gives up more and more of himself, “the worker puts his life into the object; but now his life no longer belongs to him but to the object” (Marx, 29). However, the worker has no choice but to

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