
The Matrix ( 1999, Lana And Lilly Wachowski Essay

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The Matrix (1999, Lana and Lilly Wachowski) is an action filled, futuristic view of what the world would be like if artificial intelligence were to take over. The movie covers many of the issues associated with the human experience, such as gender equality, figuring out what is real versus what is an illusion created by society, and finding and then defining one’s faith. Much like every person in the world today the characters in The Matrix struggle with finding their faith, whether it be faith in themselves, a god, or an oracle. With an array of religious references within the film to Buddhism and Christianity, there is no wonder as to why religion and the various roles it plays in the plot is one of the most highly debated subjects of the film. Gregory Bassham’s article “The Religion of The Matrix and the Problems of Pluralism” is an analysis of the film through the lens of theological meanings and pluralism. This paper will explore Bassham’s use of secondary evidence and transitions to make his claims of religious meaning and hidden pluralistic views in The Matrix believable and easy to follow, and how the effectiveness of his argument is weakened by its poor structure. To accomplish the feat of proving the existence of Christian, non-Christian and pluralistic themes within the film The Matrix, Bassham expertly employs the rhetorical technique of secondary evidence. Secondary evidence in Real Texts: Reading and Writing Across the Disciplines by Dean Ward and Elizabeth

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