
The Media Has Much Influence On Our Everyday Lives Essay

Decent Essays

In our technology centered society, the media has much influence on our everyday lives. What is shown in the media not only shapes our opinions, but our actions as well. August 9th, 2014, Michael Brown; an unarmed black man, was shot and killed by the police. US Official News states that the report filed on the incident includes information that there was a struggle between Brown and the officer, leading to the shooting. The Michael Brown case sparked much controversy, and started what is known today as the, Black Lives Matter movement. This alleged case of police brutality also started the conversation about the officers wearing body cameras. While there are officers already sporting these cameras, this event is what started the whole nation talking about whether or not, every officer should be wearing a body-worn camera. There is a divide between those who believe the cameras will help keep our officers and citizens safe, and those who believe the body-worn cameras are not worth the cost. When it comes to whether or not police officers should use body cameras, it is complicated. The complex nature of this point in question has not stopped government officials from trying to cause the law choose a side. There has been much talk on the body-worn cameras amongst those in Congress. This talk includes bills, resolutions, and budget configuring. The Texas Senators discussed a plan on how to regulate the employment of such cameras. This bill includes details such as when

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