
The Media's Negative Effects On Body Image

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The media has always been a part of our daily lives and how it how it has affected everyone’s lives to change.. It’s very common for everyone to go through the feeling that their body isn't good enough for we are surrounded by the media. These statistics demonstrate that ‘“The average american is exposed to at least three thousand ads every day and will spend three years of his or her life watching television commercials’” (Hinds 23). This demonstrates how its hard to avoid the media and few people that can actually stay away from the media and feel at peace. Also the media demonstrates these bodies that are being set up as a standard made for everyone else to follow these “Images of these “ideals” can be seen everywhere not only is the “perfect” …show more content…

It's true the media is everywhere but maybe we can just ignore it but we can't for lately ’”I see parents who are concerned their kids are getting fat, but it’s normal to eat more and gain weight during puberty. It’s just part of growing up”’ (Mehta). Parents are forcing their children into the pressure of being skinny. These parents shouldn't be concerned for their weight and only love them for who they are, but because of the media parents think that their children should look a certain way causing their self-esteem to go down in the want to be accepted by their parents. Muren states ‘“We have done studies of grade-school girls, and even in grade 1 girls think they should model themselves after celebrities who are svelte, beautiful, sexy’” (Hellmich). When young girls start to think like this at such a young age it’s very depressing because they will be put at higher risk of self esteem issues for not being able to meet with the expectations of the social media. This is just a problem that women have it’s a problem that both genders have with self esteem issues because of the media. The media has the control of what it is that we wear or how we look “To the extent that the media define this right body that the opposite sex seekers, teens are faced with largely unattainable ideals” (Hofshire & Greenberg 101). When …show more content…

The truth that we always see that does not stop is “the most celebrated recognizable women today are famous primarily for being thin and pretty, while women who are actually changing the world remain comparatively invisible” (Hellmich). The truth of the matter is that women keep trying to change the way of thinking of people to be more realistic by their body image but the ones that are thin are being celebrated more ignoring the people who want to bring change. It's difficult to cause this change when most industries care for the money only like “the fashion industry is ultimately unconcerned with beauty; its objective is selling clothes, and the census remains that in order to achieve this, models need to be thin” (Hilton). Its those who are at most risk of having a negative body those that are on the media the most to be most affected. “They found that women who rated celebrities as strong influence in their appearance were significantly more dissatisfied with their bodies and exhibited more eating-disordered behaviors” (Hofshire & Greenberg 103). In all truth the media is preventing those women that want to spread change of who to not feel negative over oneself body image because the media. As long as we are all aware of what is truth and more people find out how the body image ideals set by the media are unrealistic the word

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