
The Media's Influence On Body Image

Decent Essays

America is obsessed with body image. In today’s world, you can't go through the day without seeing the television, advertisements, magazines, or really any type of media portraying women's bodies. Due to the immense societal pressure that women should have the “perfect body” to be accepted, the nonstop reminders to change what they look like, struggling with body image has now become a major social phenomenon- and it's time for women to challenge that narrative. Women of all ages are facing face increasing scrutinization over their body image through media influence leading to invasive surgeries, increased depression, and eating disorders. Media plays a large role in influencing body shame through the advertisements they put out and who is casted for the lead roles. From weight-loss commercials promoting the newest supplement to help lose those first thirty pounds to movies filled with beautiful, skinny, white actresses- diversity in body type is not a narrative promoted by the …show more content…

America’s poor body image can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. The standards of how society views women as beautiful have changed throughout the years. Seeing constantly that only women who are a size two are considered beautiful doesn’t make loving yourself easier. These issues cause depression and eating disorders among women and some extreme cases the criticism and self-hatred lead to suicide. The reason often evolves from people picking on them and constantly being put down by the media. The media is mostly to blame for these false perceptions of beauty, through their advertisements and the type of women they cast for lead roles. Recently, there's been small movements of progress. More diverse women, ethnically diverse and bodily diverse, have been making waves. America must step up to the plate to challenge the media on the narrative they've set forth for women's bodies. Ultimately, women must take back this

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