
The Medicine Bag Analysis

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"The Medicine Bag", by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve and "Apache Girl's Rite of Passage", by National Geographic have many similarities, differences, advantages and disadvantages. "The Medicine Bag" and "Apache Girl's Rite of Passage" are about two young children who have a Native American background and many traditions along with it. Some traditions include the medicine bag and a four-day ritual with many traditions. Text and video can have many advantages and disadvantages such as you might not get as much detail or you might not be able to see it.
"The Medicine Bag", by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve and "Apache Girl's Rite of Passage", by National Geographic's similarities include the following. They both have traditions. For example, "The Medicine Bag" has traditions that include passing down the medicine bag to the eldest Indian boy in the family and he will have to go to the reservation a replace the sacred sage. "Apache Girl's Rite of Passage" also has traditions such as a four-day ritual where she will at the end become a woman after going through all stages. Another example of why there similar is because they both feel happy at the end of the story. In "The Medicine Bag" Martin, one of the main characters in the short story, is ashamed of his grandfather at first but then he realizes that he shouldn’t be. When his grandpa gives him the medicine bag, Martin is thinks this is embarrassing, but the when his grandpa dies, he realizes he should be happy to have gotten

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