
The Mexican American Hispanic Patient

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It is essential when entering health care as a professional nurse to realize that health care workers, doctors, nurses, and other health care providers, form their own culture with their own beliefs and attitudes about the care that’s delivered and the patients whom they serve. Because there are significant barriers to health care for Hispanics, particularly those that are Mexican-American, in order to provide culturally competent care, the professional nurse must implement effective communication, convey respect to the patient, and take a thorough health history from each patient. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the background of the Mexican-American Hispanic patient, compare and contrast their culture to the culture of those that work in health care in the United States, and recommendations for the professional nurse using Purnell’s Cultural Theory for support and a reflection on Wellness Day for Health Promotion focusing on Hispanic heritage including Curanderismo.
Hispanic Heritage
According to the CDC Minority Health Report, people of Mexican heritage are the largest minority group in the U.S. and almost 30% of Hispanics in the United States lacked health insurance as of 2012 (“Minority Health,” 2014). The traditional form of health care practiced by those of Mexican-American heritage is Curanderismo, coming from the Spanish verb “curar,” which means “to heal.” This system regards the individual’s mind, body, and soul as inseparable and therefore

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