
The Miami Climate Change : Report And Recommendations For Its Improvement

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Miami Crisis An analysis of the Miami Climate Change Report and Recommendations for its improvement Abstract In the last 19 years, the sea level around Miami have gone up 3.7 inches.The amount of assets that exposed to sea level rise is largest in the world and the population that is in the danger of sea level rise is fourth in Miami.What is worse, tropical storm and flooding become more and more frequent events that cause strong impact on Miami with sea level rise. Thus the Miami River area is prone to flooding because of its low elevation and itself act as a conduit for water to flow into some …show more content…

Since 1870, average global sea level has risen by about 8 inches. For the climate has getting increasingly warmer, the sea-level rise rate has accelerated.Average rate of annual sea-level rise from 1993 to 2010 was almost twice the rate from 1901-2010. Florida is the most vulnerable area of America.Miami,the most important city in Florida has the largest amount of assets exposing to sea level rise in the world.At the same time, the population exposing to sea level rise is fourth.By the year 2060, the sea levels along Miami’s coastline will rise,according to estimation, 9 inches to 2 feet. The estimated value of property along the Miami-Dade’s coastline is more than $14.7 billions,without consideration of infrastructure.According to the data from Climate Central analysis(the data based on from over ten federal agencies),the chart below shows the land below 3 feet in Miami is 1441 acres,the population is 19913 and property value is 37.05 billions. At 6 feet,110993 people(27.8% of total population of Miami) and $14,972 million are vulnerable in total. Except the direct damage from ocean,there are some other problems caused by sea level rise.One is the intrusion of salt water into fresh water table.Normally, the salt water wedge moves straight and back during the dry and rainy seasons.However, due to the extraction of fresh water and sea level rise,the intrusion of salt water is getting closer to inland not only laterally but also

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