
The Middle Ages, Clothing And Fashion

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Medieval; middle Ages, clothing and fashion was determined by the pyramid of power. Clothing is what separated the status of a person from another. Fashion differed from social wealth and class.
When the middle ages began Roman togas were replaced by Germanic clothing. Though the wealth were different the clothes were similar except for the designs and some materials being used. The middle ages being the time of change for further existence did in fact have many improvements. The centuries if muddle ages was stretch from the 5th-15th century, many changes occurred rapidly throughout the 900-1500 A.C. Everything had change from undergarments to hats to shoes etc. Changes worked with material, fashion, and detail. Evolved from the …show more content…

They were the protectors, but for who? The royalty that are the kings, the queens, and the protector of their lands. So while the knights were in their hot and heavy clothing what did the royalty wear? The clothing of kings has always been primarily about outwardly displaying wealth. The wealthier a king could make himself seem to allies and enemies, the more feared and respected he was. Early in the Middle Ages, Roman influence heavily affected the styles of kings. Hunting, however, soon became a reflection of the size of one 's kingdom. A lot of animals to hunt meant that a king had lots of land. Therefore, kings began wearing furs. Furs served the additional purpose of being functional in colder weather. Other animals also provided ornate embellishments to the clothing of medieval kings. Feathers were particularly common and popular. In general, kings wore loose clothing, such as floor-length robes. The fact that kings could wear loose clothing meant that they could afford to dress for comfort rather than for function. Velvet hats became a symbol of wealth around the middle of the Middle Ages. As trade routes began to open up to Asia toward the latter half of the Middle Ages, kings began wearing exotic fabrics such as silk as an exhibition of their wealth. In terms of color, red was a common symbol of wealth, and purple was considered especially regal since purple dye could only be derived from a rare type of snail. Fashion for women shifted from

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