
The Military Justice System

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Just like civilians, many military officers and service members can be involved in crimes as well. These crimes may be committed on or off a military base. Many civilian laws may be broken during the commission of a crime. However, the military has its own set of laws to deal with crimes. Military courts use the Uniform Code of Military Justice, also known as UCMJ as a system of rules that guide the military crime process. Who in the military do these rules apply to you may ask, they apply to members of the Air Force, Army, Marines, Coast Guard, and Navy; also members who are of the military reserves while in active service. Members of military are subjected to rules, orders, proceedings, and consequences different from the rights and obligations …show more content…

Both systems are part of the national government, but the code of conduct is what separates military members and their punishment different from the way that civilians are treated. But in some aspects, the code of military laws are considered ‘harsh’ because they use less rights than the usual civilian laws. This is only considered ‘harsh’ to the common person because anyone signing up for any military service agrees to obey these military justice codes. Second, “The Court Martial” are trails managed by our U.S Military or other states militaries. These court martial are ordered to try members of the military for any criminal violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Third, the “ Judge Advocate General Corps” are members of the Military. Civilian courts are handled by civilian lawyers, but in the military justices system this judge advocate general corps consist of Military officers that are also lawyers that provide legal services to all Military members at all levels of command. This Judge Advocate General Corps has a specialized training to fully understand the Code of Military Justice. Fourth, “Appeals” as both civilian and military justices systems have space for appeals, the military procedure will go up a different chain of command where each appeals are handled by specific branches of the Military. As for the civilian appeals, they go through appeals courts that go through circuit and federal

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