
The Monster In Ray Bradbury's Foghorn

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The story, Foghorn is a short story written by Ray Bradbury tells the story of a lighthouse, Mcdunn , and Johnny who is the narrator. A lonely monster comes to see the lighthouse and the eerily similar sound the foghorn makes to the monster, the monster realizes the lighthouse isn't another monster, gets mad and smashes it to pieces. The theme of this story is Misunderstanding and the stupid things it can make you do. The monster destroyed the thing torturing it but it also destroyed the thing that kept it going in life, the thing that motivated it was now gone by its own doing. The Fog Horn was what made the Monster come, I think that it was mystified by it. Johnny said himself “It sounded like the monster calling.”. It seems that possible the monster destroyed the lighthouse because to the monster it was mocking it, Imagine you had a speech impediment and someone who didn't have this speech impediment started talking like he did, you would get extremely upset and mad, correct? At first, the monster was puzzled by it thinking it was trying to say something but that it just couldn't understand it but when …show more content…

“Then its eyes caught fire.” To me, this implies that the monster was incredibly angry possibly saying that the monster implied that the other monster underneath ad died or was very close to death. Maybe the monster was only trying to save another of its kind unknowing to the fact that there was no monster around, the only other monster there were humans. Inadvertently the foghorn was possibly tormenting the poor monster as it is referred to in the book, but maybe they should have respect for this creature instead of fear. They should stop referring to it as a monster and give it a name. The monster also misunderstood here that just because something sounds the same as doesn't mean it can't be completely

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