
The Moral And Ethical Ethics Of Tyco

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This paper is about the lack of moral and ethical leadership of Tyco International’s former highest-paid chief executive officer (CEO) Dennis Kozlowski (Kaplan, 2009). Tyco International is a business leader in Global Fire Safety and Security Solutions. Tyco’s United States headquarters are in Princeton, New Jersey and the Corporate Headquarters in Schaffhausen, Switzerland. According to Kaplan (2009), over a decade, Dennis Kozlowski was a charismatic and ambitious CEO who had earned the nickname “Deal-a-Day” Dennis because of his notorious business decisions including aggressive and speedy acquisitions. Dennis was a leader determined to make Tyco the greatest company and succeeded well in transforming it from a $1.5 billion manufacturer into an industrial corporation worth more than $100 billion (Kaplan, 2009).
Ethical issues
In June 2002, Kozlowski was accused by the Manhattan district attorney Robert Morgenthau, of evading $1 million in sales tax on the purchase of rare artwork (Timeline of the Tyco International scandal, 2005). This investigation opened up a can of worms indicting Kozlowski along with Tyco’s former chief financial officer (CFO) Mark H. Swartz of looting millions of dollars from the company, misconstruing financial records and doctoring business records (Brickey, 2008). In September 2002, Kozlowski and Swartz were accused of stealing more than $170 million dollars from Tyco and swindling $430 million in the sale of company shares.

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