
The Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell

Decent Essays

Richard Connell’s 1924 short story titled “The Most Dangerous Game” is widely considered a masterfully dark work of short fiction, one that pulls the reader into surreal and chilling circumstances. Through his narrative, Connell provokes both intellect and emotion as he asks questions at the very core of human existence, questions concerning morality and ethics as understood by the modern individual. What is the value of human life? Does power justify action? With his macabre tone, Connell takes man out of his station as an apex predator and subjects him to the primal fear of the hunted. The value of human life occupies an indispensable role in Connell’s drama. After washing ashore on a Caribbean Island, Sanger Rainsford, the story’s protagonist, is faced with the question when he meets the haunting General Zaroff. A hunting enthusiast, the General explains his dissatisfaction in hunting traditional game while he and Rainsford, also a skilled sportsman, enjoy an evening meal. As even the most dangerous of quarry has become tiresome to Zaroff, the General explains how he has turned to hunting human beings, luring them to his island and setting them loose in his reserve. Rainsford’s disgust is apparent; his disposition indignant as he eagerly labels the Generals actions as murder. It is not until the end of the story, after Rainsford has been pursued as Zaroff’s prey, that the reader observes a change in Rainsford’s views. In either a momentary acceptance of the

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