
The Most Dangerous Game Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

The human race is a unique species because humans possess the ability to reason. Other animal species only have instinct, thus making them less smart. In Richard Connell’s short story “The Most Dangerous Game”, a hunter named Rainsford gets stranded on Ship-Trap Island. At first, Zaroff hunts Rainsford on the island, but in the end Rainsford kills Zaroff . In the short story, the author uses imagery, setting, and characterization to suggest that instinct is better than reasoning.
Stress is caused when the body perceives a threat. During this time, a person’s mind relies on reflexes to aid the body in the flight-or-fight response. In “The Most Dangerous Game”, the author uses the literary device imagery to convey the message of how impulsive decisions hold a greater advantage than thinking through a problem. Near the end of the story, Rainsford is running away from General Zaroff and his pack of dogs. The narrator describes the scene, “Across the cove he could see the gloomy gray stone of the château. Twenty feet below him the sea rumbled and hissed. Rainsford hesitated. He heard the hounds. Then he leaped out far into the sea” (Connell 59). Rainsford jumps off a cliff to avoid being captured by Zaroff’s dogs. The author uses imagery to signify the importance of the hunt. The imagery in the story creates a visualization in a reader’s mind, to allow the reader to understand the story more clearly. When Rainsford is being cornered by Zaroff, Rainsford uses his instinct to help

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