
The Movie ' Have And The Haves Not ' Essay

Decent Essays

Tyler Perry is an actor, a music composer, writer, and a director etc., who has been able to change many lives through his movie. Most of his movies talk about the lives the African American family is leading and deal mostly with marriage, dating, divorce, retirements, breaking homes, social humanities, etc. As a result of this, he has been facing a lots of criticism from the Africa American on the way he has been portraying their image and exhibiting their secrets of their living but the another side of it is the truth that he is sharing to help the up and coming ones on how to handle life in terms of the fore mentioned scenes he has been building into other lives. One of his touching movie that has changed my life is the movie “have and the haves not”. This is a movie that has changed my perception of how to be very faithful to a partner whether in marriage, dating, as workers, friends etc., no matter whatever the circumstances both of you go through. It has made me understand how being faithful to a manager or authorities at work can change your destiny. One important message I learned from this movie is how to depend on God in everything you do, for He is the only one who can turn the worse situation into a blessing. Sociologically, I see marriage as an institution that has rules and regulations, those who are ready to abide by these rules always enjoy marriage. Grandma Hattie in her life had been through a lot of uncomfortable situation but finally allowed her only

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