
The Movie: Radio Kennedy's Life

Decent Essays

The movie Radio depicted the life of James Robert “Radio” Kennedy’s life. In the opening of the movie, Radio’s daily routine is pushing a shopping cart through town. It is almost as if he is homeless because his cart contains a radio and old random things. The town people of Anderson, South Carolina do not appear to be fond of Radio, this is especially obvious after the football team tied him up and locked him in a storage building. When Coach Jones rescues Radio from the shed, it is the formation of a new friendship. Radios life takes a turn when Coach Jones takes a liking to him and includes him in football practice. Soon after becoming involved with football, Radio begins to open up to people becoming a mascot of sorts. Radio becomes a …show more content…

Radio displays limited speech, poor daily living skills, and lacks the ability to read and write.It is mentioned that doctors could never diagnose or give a name to what Radio suffered from. I feel like Radio lacks the ability to understand what really is going on around. In the situations where football players were being hurtful towards him, Radio would continue to smile. There was another instance where Radio was left behind, unable to ride the bus to an away game. While listening to the game on hand held radio, Radio stood in the pouring rain until the game was finished. When trying to teach someone with learning disabilities, it is good to start with something small. Students with disabilities need direct instruction that is heavily modified until they begin to master the skill. For instance, I would start teaching Radio how to write with traceable letters. With a student such as Radio, I would incorporate the teaching of daily living skills, simple addition and subtraction, as well as how to write. For a student like Radio, if he could learn to read, write, balance a checkbook, properly dress, and cook he could live on his own. However, some students with similar mental capacities assisted living home may be a better

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