
The Movie ' Spartacus '

Good Essays

Have you ever wondered the story behind the person who owns the famous line “This is Sparta!!”? I have, so I decided, hey! I should do a research paper on this guy so, here we are. His name is Spartacus and this is his story.
Spartacus was born 109 BC in Thrace, Southeast Europe. Old right? I know that’s what I thought when I found that out. Spartacus lived during the first century BCE, cool right? He was a Thracian by birth and was enslaved by the Roman army.
Spartacus had no siblings. He did have a wife though, but her name is unknown. He might have a son since he had a wife, but there is no documented proof that he did.
Plutarch, by what they have found, is the person who documented most of the rebellion and what Spartacus did while he …show more content…

In his small army they defeated the first four forces they confronted, taking and using their supplies. More and more slaves began to join the rebellion in order to fight for their freedom, thus the army became stronger.
In the beginning the Romans did not see the small army as a threat, but when they snuck up on one of the Romans campsites where they were resting and defeated them taking all of their supplies and weapons they immediately wanted to take them down. Spartacus and his army was being tracked down by the Romans, but Spartacus did not see this as a huge threat, maybe not even as a threat at all. The Romans were looking to see what was Spartacus was traveling and plotting something to sneak up on them and kill them.
Spartacus ended up winning three more engagements, and then, for some unknown reason turned South, causing Rome to panic.
Rome had had a trap set for them and since Spartacus decided to turn South randomly they were thrown into panic since they didn’t know what to do at the time. It was beginning to get worrying but the Romans knew they could defeat this slave rebellion once and for all, they just didn’t know how quite yet. Then, with M. Licinius Crassus in command for the Romans, the fate was about to be changed for them and they were going to take down Spartacus. Initially, and over eager subordinate of Crassus devised a plan to take down Spartacus that ended up failing miserably. During that defeat, several of the Romans fled the battle of

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