
Akbar Research Paper

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The Mughal dynasty was established by a man named Babur who ruled over the state of Hindustan (India). As a youth, Babur, a prince of the house of Timur, was unable to maintain his sovereignty over the small Central Asian state bequeathed to him by his father (Source?). Instead, he turned his attention to the southeast, where he occupied Kabul in 1504, and almost immediately embarked on his conquest of India (Source?). By 1527, Babur had defeated both the forces of the Lodi sultan and those of the Hindu confederacy (Source?). However, at the time of his death, in 1530, he had not yet transformed his territorial acquisitions into an empire (Source?). This task was left to his son Humayun, who lacked the military genius of his father and soon forfeited the Mughal foothold in India (Source?). Only through Persian military intervention did he manage to regain the capital cities of Agra and Delhi in 1555; however, Humayun 's son Akbar was credited with the real foundation of the Mughal Empire (Source?).
During his reign from 1556 to 1605, Akbar established dominion over northern and central India, as far east as Bengal. He secured the northwestern frontier, which served as a gateway to India for so many previous invasions. Akbar 's most important territorial gain was the sultanate of Gujarat, in the west, which provided the Mughal empire with enormous wealth from its commercial centers, and access to the Arabian Sea. This presented an opportunity for lucrative trade with both

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