
The Muhammad As A Prophet

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The aim of this essay is to determine whether it is right to regard Muhammad as a prophet or a statesman or both of the following.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines a prophet as someone who speaks or is regarded as speaking, for or in the name of God or a God. The special function of revealing or predicting the future is often regarded as an essential element of the work of a prophet. As per the definition states, a prophet is someone who brings the message of God or a God. Muhammad received his first revelations in the year 610 when he was around the age of forty. Years before the revelations, he established a habit of withdrawing himself to go to the mountains outside of Mecca to pray in peace and solitude. During one of these retreats Muhammad began having unusual experiences, hearing voices and having visions indicating that God had chosen him as his prophet. The angel Gabriel appeared in one of his visions giving him his first revelation that was a passage from the Quran. The first revelations stated that there is only one God who on the day of judgement will weigh every man’s performance of moral and religious acts and decide whether he is deserving of eternal bliss in heaven or eternal punishment in hell. This is one such element in the revelations he received that predicts an important future event, which also is one of the characteristics of a prophet. At first Muhammad had difficulties coming to terms with his role as a prophet and accepting his fate and

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