
The Music Of Latin Music

Good Essays

Intro It’s about 09:30 P.M and I have to be in downtown San Diego to play live at club Sevilla. We play Latin music, Salsa, Merengue, Cumbia, Bachata and its something that I grew up playing all my life, its part of me, and defines me as a person and would not leave that hobby for any reason. But what I called a hobby, was becoming a job, many times I had to push over friendships, girlfriends, or other social time just to make it to band practice, that’s how important it was for me. Latin music requires a lot of skill, it requires music theory, and for the most part, most of us were natural musicians, we did not read music except the trumpets, saxophone, and trombone. There were a total of 13 people in the band. There was a conga, …show more content…

Hopefully he does not find out about this paper! Anyhow; if this paper gets in his hands, he wouldn’t know whom I’m talking about.

His Characteristics In my opinion this guy always thought he was better than everyone, he had horrible planning skills and very unorganized. He never told us when the next gig was going to be in time, he should at least tell us a week ahead of time so we can plan but instead, we were noticed 2 days before the gig. This causes plans I had to go out on a date, homework, or other diligences to be canceled. Many times we had an organized repertoire ready to be performed, then he changes the songs to a different chord at last minute and causes the brass section to go crazy over their charts. After every late night gig before a working day, we should get paid, but many times he got paid and the rest of us didn’t. His excuse was not being able to pay us because the club manager paid him in check form; we got paid three days later. He was also very unorganized, part of the sound equipment was mine and very expensive. Many times I had microphone stands and microphones missing or mixed with others. One night he asked me to bring my congas which adds more equipment to carry in my car, that night I not only carried a keyboard, amplifiers, and a big heavy speaker but also a pair of heavy congas. He asked me to bring mine because the conga player didn’t have time to get his; I helped out expecting to get

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