
The National Football League on Legal Hits

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The national football league has stiffened its policy on legal hits. The hit zone has shrunk, while player frustrations have grown. The policy is enacted in an effort to reduce the number of concussions in the game of football. The enforcement of these rules has strayed away from being all about safety. The policy on hits has created a divide among its players and fans alike. The policy of hits being enforced so strictly has had a significant impact on the sport. The sociology of the NFL and the rule itself drive this argument. By stepping on the field as an NFL football player, it is accepted that it is very dangerous. The players make enough money to make the concussions worth it. Profiting from the fine money for these hits has caused the NFL to be enforcing these rules unethically, the rules and the impact they have had on the sport have been detrimental to football. The NFL has created a new acceptable hit zone which is very small. Limiting a players area to deliver a hit has created a difficulty for them. Players have had to completely adjust their approach to tackling. Players are becoming very frustrated with the new rules, for example Pittsburgh Steelers player Ryan Clark states “…give a guy who is 200 pounds, like myself, a 2-foot area to stop a guy who is 240 or 250 running at full speed. They might as well just take us off the field…” (Patra 1). This is evidence that NFL players are actually getting frustrated with these rules. Ryan Clark is one of the most

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