
The National Security Agency Reformed Privacy Laws Essay

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A broken, gloomy country was left to grieve for the lives of loved ones that were lost the day after the 9/11 attacks. Time was needed to cope. However, what the people really wanted was assurance. They wanted to feel safe in their homes and not worry about more attacks like this happening in the future. The government also wanted to give people the security that they craved. However, the way they chose to pursue the situation angered many citizens. The National Security Agency reformed privacy laws that some believe were not well-examined by Congress because they wanted them in affect as soon as possible. These reforms are included in what is called the Patriot Act (Department of Justice).
In 2013, word spread rapidly through the United States and the rest of the world that the National Security Agency had access to files that the general public was unaware of due to these reforms. Edward Snowden, a former Central Intelligence Agent, leaked the truth about the NSA’s conduct to reporters and newspapers nationwide. The files that Snowden was referring to include call records and contents, emails, Facebook posts, instant messages, and Google searches. The NSA also hacked into various servers around the world, breaking some foreign countries’ laws. Those servers even included those of allied countries like Germany and other Western democracies. While they believed that their actions were technically legal within U.S. law, they were blatantly breaking the laws of foreign

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