
The Negative Effects Of Soccer Games

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There's a kid(Oscar) sitting on the ground during a soccer game just picking flowers. There’s a kid(Kenny) who is sprinting and trying his hardest to get a goal he is huffing and puffing, and just sweating like crazy. Kenny has already scored three goals for this team. Kenny wants his team to win so he is giving it his all, while Oscar picks another daisy. They lose the game. Kenny is almost to the point of tears because tryed so hard, but Oscar just yawns and is happy he is going home. Their coach comes out with a box, inside there's a couple participation trophies one for everyone on the team. It’s the same size as if they would have gotten if they won. This made Kenny really upset and Oscar was happy he was being reward for them wasting his time. Kenny continued to play soccer for true trophy that he earned, while Oscar did soccer only for the trophy, he knew he would get. The trophy didn’t encourage Oscar to play, it gave him a reason to quit. The kids that get reward whenever they do something bad the more negative effects on the kid’s future. There's a problem with kids and their parents in the world today this problem is participation trophies and what they mean and how they will affect kids in the years to come. Participation trophies are a pointless and meaningless rewards that hurt kids in the long run, and giving out participation trophies do more harm than good. Although getting a trophy doesn’t mean the kid truly loves the sport, more the kid just want to play

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