
The New Asylums Analysis

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Course Video Critique 4: The New Asylums
In the video, “The New Asylums,” explains the ever growing problem of mentally ill inmates are entering in prisons as the solution rather than mental hospitals. Prisons remain the only solution for the mentally ill due to the ability to keep them from harming the community or being involved in criminal activity. Unlike normal inmates, sometimes mentally ill inmates may refuse to cooperate with the prison officials and thus force may be required to put them into submission. For treatment, prisons provide therapy and medication to help their mental state, but if severe they may go to a psychiatric hospital to receive better treatment in a less intimidating environment. While mental illness often takes a long process, many of the inmates do look towards the future in terms of reintegrating with the community or fear of harming others.
Critique of the video: The New Asylums provides an informative and detailed experience regarding mentally ill inmates in order to get better in improving their behaviors. It emphasizes a lot about treatments and how effective they are, however I am most surprised on some occasions on the use of force to calm down the inmates. Overall the message of the video shows that prisons have become the only solution in treating the mental ill however this is …show more content…

According to Gideon and Sung (2011) explains, that therapeutic communities are usually the best in reducing recidivism rates (pg. 57). In the video, this can be applied where one instance a inmate is moved to a psychiatric hospital and has improved in mental health due to the less intimidating environment and a more sympathetic support rather than the harsher prison lifestyle. The way that these two different environments have shown that they are willing to provide specialized treatment in order to fix a stubborn

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