
The New Industrial Revolution And The Digital Age

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Unfortunately, the rash of external mandates such as transitioning to the Common Core, delivery of PARCC testing and implementation of HIB legislation has overshadowed what an exciting time it is to be in education. The Digital Age has ushered in an ever- expanding digital infrastructure where access and the ability to connect is becoming ubiquitous. Furthermore, the democratization of the web offers individuals opportunity to not only act as critical consumers of information, but also exist as trusted producers of public content. As Chris Anderson states in Makers: The New Industrial Revolution, “Today we are spoiled by the easy pickings of the web. Any kid with an idea and a laptop can create the seeds of a world-changing company- just look at Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook.” As opposed to erecting a barrier to the outside world, schools that embrace the Digital Age and more importantly, provide stakeholders equitable access to a connected world, open spaces of possibility inside classrooms.

Establishing a culture of where individuals think deeply about their work is a hallmark of a 21st Century school district. A crucial role the Director of Curriculum and Instruction is fostering an organizational climate where stakeholders are imbued with a sense of agency. The Director of Curriculum and Instruction needs to interact with educators, students and parents on a personal level to engage individuals in reflective conversation about current practice and to brainstorm

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