
The New Kingdom Was A Very Dynamic Time For Egypt Essay

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The New Kingdom was a very dynamic time for Egypt (1550 - 1070 BCE). There was a shift in not only architecture, economics, but in Art as well. The New Kingdom is also referred to as the Egyptian Empire. This Essay discusses the influences that the New Kingdom had on Egyptian art; the development of the characteristics and influences that the New Kingdom had on not only the people but, in addition, their beliefs through analysing an artwork known as the final judgement found in Hunefers thumb as shown in Figure 1.

Not only did the Egyptian empire flourish in art, military accomplishments, but a woman named Hatshepsut came to the throne, whom is known for her temple at Deir el-Bahri that contributes to the great activity in architecture as noted above. This is supported by De Rachewiltz(1960:230) in his statement. Egypt had control over Nubia, thus leading to unimaginable wealth, much to which they bestowed on their gods. In addition, to what is said in Egypt, that had a great expansion in the territories is echoed through Sporre(1989:59). The figurative arts were transformed by the new revolutionary dictates of a crudely ‘veristic’ nature as mentioned by De Rachewiltz (1960:230). Furthermore, a well-known Pharaoh named Tutankhamun also ruled in this time period. The wealth of Egypt brought about many paintings or painted reliefs illustrated religious texts concerned with the afterlife, such as the final judgement

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