
The New World During The European Age Of Exploration Essay

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The term “virgin soil epidemic” seems quite self-explanatory; broken down, “virgin soil” clearly means untouched land, and “epidemic” is usually a word used to describe something that spreads quickly and affects a large number of people, in this case (and in most other cases), disease. While this term is general and can be applied to nearly any situation that fits the aforementioned criteria, it was coined by Alfred Crosby in reference to the phenomena as it occurred in the western hemisphere of the world; contact between two previously unintroduced groups of people allowed disease to spread due to a lack of immunity in what was considered the “New World” during the European Age of Exploration. It is considered just a subsection of the Columbian Exchange (a term coined by Alfred Crosby as well), which denotes the exchange of a number of varied items between Europe and the New World after 1492, including infectious diseases like smallpox, chicken pox, the plague, yellow fever, and the flu (Marr, Cathey 2010), but it seems that it could be and vital aspect of understanding how Europe and America existed and developed during the Age of Exploration, how they exist now, and how they interact with the world figuratively and literally. It is firstly important to consider where and when this event, or set of events occurred to grasp their effects on the course of history. As the basics of public education teaches, Europe began exploring the western hemisphere of the globe

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