
The Night Of Broken Glass

Decent Essays

There are so many different forms of hate in this world. Racism, prejudice, antisemitism, bullying and more. There are victims and perpetrators everywhere, you may even be one yourself. Diverse groups all over the world constantly face hatred from people. If you are white, and part of a religion like christianity, you are in a majority. Very little hate is aimed towards you. So what about the minority? Or the diverse people? They are looked down on. People who rarely experience or even see acts of antisemitism, racism, and other acts of hate rarely know how to sympathize. They can’t relate, so that’s why I’m writing this essay. People need to know what others are going through and what hurtful words and slurs cause. They start issues of racism, antisemitism, prejudice, and more. Your words could start riots and cause great amounts of havoc. Racism, prejudice, and anti semitism don’t belong in this world. You can take them out, with the help of just a few people. As a group, advocate against these things. Start a club …show more content…

As several articles stated, it is hard for Jews to answer their family when they ask what Kristallnacht really was. One women, Ruth Wichtenstein, questioned this dilemma by asking “How can Jews tolerate even the slightest hint that their children, grandchildren, or even great grandchildren might question the truth of what happened that night?” Ruth does not understand how Jewish people are going to be able to explain this event to their descendants. She is implying that the event is so horrific, parents will not be able to tell the truth. If I were jewish, I would struggle with this as well. All kids get curious, and they would definitely want to know about their Jewish history and what really occurred on November 9th, 1938. But how are we supposed to tell them? Kristallnacht was violent, scary, and not a kid friendly topic to say the

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