
The Night - Original Writing Essay

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Becca was fast asleep when Caleb pulled into her driveway. He dug through her purse for her keys and hurried to unlock the front door. He took Becca into the house and walked up the stairs to her room.
He laid her down on the bed. When she rolled over and got comfortable in her sleep, he figured she was out for the night. He took off his tuxedo jacket and hung it over the back of her desk chair. When he turned around, she was starting to sit up. Amazingly, her hair was still in a tight bun. With a deep breath, she inched her way back and propped herself up against the pillows. “How did I get here?” she asked, wrapping her arms around her waist.
“I brought you home, but you’ve been sleeping. If you want to change, I can go get you something to drink,” he offered, slipping his hands in his pockets.
She nodded, and Caleb walked out of the room. She scooted to the edge of the bed and tried to stand up. When the room rotated, she quickly sat back down. After a few moments, she tried again. This time, her energy came back. She made her way to the dresser and threw a pair of pajamas on her bed. Her jacket was the first thing to hit the floor. She loosened the ribbons around her calves and removed her costume, tights and slippers in one clean sweep─ leaving everything bundled in the corner of the room where she kicked it. With a huff, she put her pajama bottoms and tank top on, and then yanked twenty bobby pins out of her hair.
When Becca crawled into bed, the night played back in

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