
The Night - Original Writing Essay

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After a boring day at school, I trudged off of the bus and started the long walk home. Exhausted and hungry, I plopped my book bag on the kitchen floor and started to raid the refrigerator. At that moment, I noticed that my mother was talking on the phone, which was not very surprising, but what had caught me off guard was seeing tears in her eyes slowing dripping down her face. I hid behind the door of the fridge and tried to listen to her conversation. From the bits and pieces that I was able to comprehend, I could tell something awful had happened.
Already shocked from seeing my mother cry, I gathered enough courage to ask her what was wrong. She slowly responded, “That was your Uncle Charlie, he said that Pop was taken to the hospital.” The news didn’t particularly startle me because I knew that he was getting older and needed more help than usual. My mom continued and said, “They found liquid in his lungs for the second time and had to drain them.” Hearing this news, I was appalled. I never knew that lungs could fill with liquid nor could they drain them. If this was not bad enough, she also told me that they would have to take a biopsy of his lung.
A few days passed after the initial news of the biopsy and we got another call. My family was all hoping and praying that it was nothing serious but, deep down we all knew it was. My mom answered again and found out that her dad had been diagnosed with Mesothelioma and had six months to live. Almost immediately, she broke

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