
The Nullification Crisis and Its Effects on the United States

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The Nullification Crisis, which transpired under Andrew Jackson’s administration created a controversy not only during its time, but also in the years to follow and ultimately was one of the many causes of the Civil War years later. The Nullification crisis soon developed in the early 1830’s when the state of South Carolina began to have issues with the protective tariff (which was designed to protect the industry in the northern United States by taxing imports). At this point in history, many of the leaders of South Carolina were under the idea that a state did not have to follow a federal law and could “nullify” the law. This was a result that many colonists from South Carolina felt that the protective tax was benefiting the …show more content…

One of the more powerful men in advocating of the south was John C. Calhoun, who was an experienced politician at the time. Many believe that Calhoun's ideas were the precursor to the session crisis that ultimately triggered the Civil War around 30 years later. Although a solution was established to resolve the tension between the North and the South, the issue resurfaced over the issue of slavery a few years later due to the South once again becoming angered at certain actions of the President. In conclusion, the Nullification Crisis contributed to the Civil War for many different reasons. For one, President Jackson’s main goal was to preserve the Union and avoid war at any cost. However, the Nullification Crisis created tension between the North and the South, which would later boil over to the point of war. Furthermore, the North was a manufacturing community, as well as being significantly larger than the South. The South was an agricultural society, meaning that they were dependent on the North for manufactured goods. Tensions rose between the North and South because the North was not only benefiting from the protective tariff, but they were making money from the South’s need for manufactured goods for farming. In the end, the protective tariff showed that if the North could inflict a tariff on the South, then the North (have a significantly larger population) could end slavery (which was the South’s main form of wealth). Due to

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