
The Oppression Of Imperialism In George Orwell's Shooting An Elephant

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In George Orwell’s story ‘Shooting an Elephant’, insight is given into the life of an oppressor in the British Empire. Orwell, having undergone a significant personal experience, illustrates his experience of imperialism and the resounding effects is has on the ethical conduct and ideals of man, not only of the oppressed but also regarding the oppressor. Orwell’s ‘Shooting an Elephant’ attempts to convey the sacrifice of one’s morality in service of imperialism. Through the spread of the British Empire and the colonialization of the Burmese people, we view the overwhelming resentment that exists from the behaviour of the oppressed, uniquely through the eyes of an imperialist. As a result of this animosity, Orwell plays the role that is expected of him, he performs for his audience under the fear of humiliation despite his conflicting mentality.

Orwell’s story is based on the time he spent in Moulmein, in Lower Burma (present-day Myanmar), in the 1920s. At the time, Burma was under British Rule as it had been since 1886 until its independence in 1948. George Orwell was born in June 1903 and educated in Eton, England. He joined the Indian Imperial police in Burma, under the control of the British Empire. As evidenced throughout the text, Orwell expresses his strong feelings towards the British Empire. Orwell repeatedly states his hatred of the Empire and of imperialistic views and his secret support of the Burmese people:
“For at that time I had already made up my mind that

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