
The Oppression Of Women In Business School

Decent Essays

Women continue to be oppressed for simply being women, while men are not oppressed for being men in contemporary culture. Regardless of anything covered under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, women are oppressed in most areas of life, especially in the workplace. In society, the term “oppressed” is persistently misused…misused to the point that women are subject to oppression without anyone being even slightly mindful of it. Furthermore, a perfect example in the Cages article is “We are accused of insensitivity; even of bigotry. For women, such accusation is particularly intimidating, since sensitivity is one of the few virtues that has been assigned to us.” Whether a woman is white or black is irrelevant, all women are oppressed …show more content…

Moreover, gender in a business school curriculum seems rather insignificant at first glance because there are plenty of women who happen to be business majors. One would deliberate that business school is not tailored to positively impact one gender over the other. After reading through mind-boggling statistics in the article, gender should absolutely play a role in the business school curriculum. According to the Role article, “The average female college graduate makes the same, or less than a male with a high school diploma.” We are told that to give yourself the best chance to earn a comfortable salary, a college degree is not optional. It is indispensable. If gender is addressed in the business curriculum, and addressed extensively, women will have the ability to point out and complain about the gender inequality in the workplace. As Hillary Clinton once said, “And yes, we need to guarantee equal pay for women’s work, which will raise family income.” I would take each major and create specific courses that address not only inequality that women can easily point out if subject to discrimination, but courses which prove that gender does indeed play a role in business decisions across the …show more content…

This piece instantly reminded me of the True Colors video we watched in class. Moneymaking is one of many ideals that drives people to get out of bed in the morning. Although both Heidi and Joseph offered to write a check for the full amount of the car, “Most significantly, he was offered lower prices than Heidi at four of the six dealerships.” I am by no means surprised, as people often try to take advantage of my dad in the same way. Furthermore, they ponder over him being Arabic, so it is an automatic assumption that because he has an accent, he is not up to par intellectually. People should be more personally accountable in the workplace so that they avoid liability. Working in the real-world means working with other people, and consequently, there will be differences, but these differences do not constitute a car salesman or saleswoman to discriminate on the basis of race or gender. As Dr. Bennett-Alexander can tell by now, I am quite the introvert. As our mothers told us, if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. Subsequently, suspending judgement within yourself is one of the most powerful practices at school and in the

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