
The Organization, Communities And Schools

Decent Essays

The agency in which I wanted to research is the organization, Communities In Schools. There are various locations where this organization has been established, one that is located in Charleston, South Carolina. The national organization, Communities In Schools, has been around for almost forty-years. Communities In Schools of Charleston has been in existence for twenty-seven years. Communities In Schools is the largest in the dropout prevention program in the country; and it has been very effective in helping kids stay in school, as well as keep them on a successful path in life. Communities In Schools is an organization that places site coordinators inside of schools to do assessments of students’ needs and provide tools that are …show more content…

Communities In Schools in Charleston, South Carolina has 11 members along with 31 site coordinators at various schools in the area. Communities In Schools is funded through different sources, such as federal and corporate grants, and also through foundation and individual donations. A journal article, The Mint Hill Times, wrote about Communities In Schools receiving a grant from Wells Fargo, in the amount of one thousand dollars, during this year. ("Communities In Schools receives Wells Fargo grant"). The facilities are schools located in the Charleston area. A majority of the middle school and high schools that are served are considered, Title I institutions. These are schools that have a big number of adolescents (as well as elementary aged students) that come from low-income families. Communities In Schools of Charleston was formed in 1989, after a study was conducted by John Hopkins University, which suggested the Charleston County School District to put a dropout prevention program into place ("Communities In Schools - Charleston Area - Who We Are"). “The mission of Communities In Schools is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life ("Communities In Schools - Charleston Area - Who We Are").” The services that are provided for adolescents come from two specific program initiatives. The New Morning

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