
The Other Side Of Holy Friday

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The Other Side of Holy Thursday

William Blake was a nineteenth century author and creative individual who is considered a huge figure of the Romantic Age. His writings have influenced many writers and artists through the ages, and he has been deemed both a serious author and a creative thinker. One William Blake 's works are “Holy Thursday from Songs of Innocence” and “Holy Thursday from Songs of Experience.” These two poems by Blake are simple examples of how deep and interesting poetry can be, many people might not understand it reading them for the first time. It can be a little complicated to analyze. However, reading these two versions of the poem line by line is the best way to understand it. Naser Emdad, the author of …show more content…

Paul 's Cathedral. In this poem, Blake makes the readers visualize a beautiful moment of these children singing at church during this beautiful holiday. The main point of this poem is to show the religious atmosphere during a Holy Thursday, how everybody gets together including the children from the orphanage. The way Blake compares these poor kids with flowers is a beautiful way to see more than clothes and financial situation. It is really sweet and adorable how Blake refers to them as "flowers of London town!" because they are beautiful kids all around London. Blake talks about them in a positive way, however, they were poor kids that may not be clean the whole time, maybe they do not wear clean clothes the whole time. He also talks about the guardians of those kids, they were not alone they were always sitting with their guardians, because those kids are from orphans they have to go to certain places with their guardians. In "Holy Tuesday" from Songs of Experience Blake shows us the same theme, however, with a different way to see the presented situations. In this poem, Blake expresses directly his points, without any fear. In this poem Blake sounds more powerful, full of anger, his language is completely different comparing it with "Holy Thursday" from Songs of Innocence. It is more expressive and you can notice the concern about the difficult situation of the kids, this situation touches the heart of many readers. In the first strophe, Blake says,

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