
The Other Wes Moore Analysis

Decent Essays

Every year over 500,000 people die due to drug use in the United States alone. Drug use has become such a problem president Richard Nixon declared war on drugs. Due to the immense scale of the problem, it has often inspired many novels. One example of a novel that incorporates drug use and the drug trade into the plot is the novel The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore. The book discusses the differences between the author and another character named Wes Moore. One key distinction between the two for example, the other Wes Moore involvement in the drug trade. Soon, however, the other Wes Moore grows to resent the drug trade and develops into a key passage in the book. The key argument Moore makes in that passage pertains that the effects of the drug trade become too horrific for people to handle when faced directly, demonstrated with the confrontation with Cheryl, through Wes Moore's use of repetition, and imagery.
Wes had willingly turned a blind eye to the effects of the drug, however, after Wes Moore found Cheryl using heroin had he directly confronted with the effects.Wes had experienced these effects for years through his job and it disgusted him, but he could always get away from that. Once these effects entered his personal life, however, it “...pained him to realize that the mother of his children was just like them” (Moore 137).Wes simply could not handle the weight of not only his guilt for allowing this to happen but also his hypocrisy for still allowing other people to

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