
The Outsiders 'Poem Nothing Gold Can Stay'

Decent Essays

The Outsiders Essay Prompt The poem that is said by Johnny to Ponyboy was “Nothing Gold Can Stay”, what does that poem even mean. When Johnny was telling Ponyboy this poem, it meant that stay your true self and never stop loving those things that you enjoy. Whether it is reading or writing or in Ponyboy’s case watching the sunsets. Lots of people will not stay gold because either they want to fit in or not have the time to. But if you enjoy whatever keeps you gold, make time and actually enjoy what you love the most. Stay Gold and be who you are and not somebody else. When Johnny told Ponyboy to stay Gold that meant that he shouldn’t change and stay who he is. ”Stay gold, Ponyboy. StayGold…”The pillow seemed to sink a little, and Johnny …show more content…

Was it when he was so depressed from Johnny’s death, because if it was that is a wrong statement. It is a wrong statement because Johnny was close to Pony and when you loose somebody in your life you don’t just get over it, it takes time. “You would have thought it had been five years instead of five days since I’d seen him last, but I didn’t mind it. I like ol’ Two-bit; he’s a good buddy to have.”(Hinton 106) This quote shows how after Ponyboy days without his family, was hard on him. Even the people that weren’t his favorite in the group, he is appreciating that he has his two brothers and the gang. “What did he want?” Two-bit asked “What’d Mr. Super Soc have to say?” He ain’t a Soc,”I said, “he’s just a guy.He just wanted to talk.”( Hinton 118) This quote shows after Ponyboy ran off, when he came back he came back not only himself, but he came back more understanding and more thankful. Ponyboy has been through a lot lately and even though he ran off and all that, but he did come back himself and maybe even he came back a better person. He is more understanding and is seeing how hard Darry and Soda work for them to stick together and have a good home and

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