
The P2P Piracy Prevention Act Attacks Consumers Essay

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The P2P Piracy Prevention Act Attacks Consumers

Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks have had a staggering growth in the past few years. Since Napster, dozens of P2P networks have been created in its imitation. Due to the growing accessibility of broadband, which increases the speed of downloads, P2P networks generate nearly 1.8 billion downloads per month. Popularity and acceptance is still continually growing.

As many users see P2P software as just file sharing, entertainment industries and other big companies see it as copyright infringement and stealing from copyright owners without their rightful authorization or compensation. These companies complain that P2P file sharing threatens the survival of the industries and believe that there …show more content…

Berman proposed a legislation called the Peer-to-Peer Piracy Prevention Act last year that ensures that all copyright owners won't face liability for using reasonable, limited self-help to prevent the theft of their works on peer-to-peer networks such as Kazaa and Gnutella. The bill says that since no legislation can eliminate the problem of P2P piracy, the law should allow copyright owners to take action into their own hands in protecting and preventing infringements on their products. With this act, Congress can help manage problematic issues of the market without interfering with the system itself. Furthermore, this bill would allow copyright owners to enter and look into a P2P user’s computer to the same extent that any other P2P user is able to, and allows the owners to take limited measures to prevent and stop the distribution of their copyrighted property.

The problem with this bill is that it’s unethical. Swapping or sharing files with another user is not illegal. It is the act of sharing copywritten files without authorization or rightful compensation to the owners that makes it illegal. However, giving rights to copyright owners to look into P2P users computer files is an invasion of privacy and that is illegal too. Berman tries to say that the P2P Piracy Prevention Act primarily allows owners to retrieve or protect their property much like a bicycle owner grabbing his bike from a thief’s yard . But nonetheless this act is basically asking

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