
The Party State Monitoring Of The State Owned Enterprise

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The party-state monitoring of the state-owned enterprise in China remains a puzzle to most of the observers as the party state aims at creating the actual market economy. The neo-liberal privatization of the SOEs should run by entirely independent legal individuals with some anonymity to operate on the commercial basis. However, various factors influence the corporate governance in China with the critical pillars including respect for the stakeholders in the enterprise and legal protection of disclosure and transparency. Irrespective of the essence of corporate government transparency, the irony remains that the government is operated without anyone checking what is being done. The importance of the business-government in China has become a heated topic of discussion in the policy, academic and business decision makers throughout the country. The corporate governance is closely linked to the ongoing economic reforms in most of the state-owned enterprises, as well as the development of financial and security markets (Leng, 2009). The country has experienced new revisions regarding safety and company laws that focus more on government including the shareholder 's fiduciary duties and voting rights. The above rules significantly determine the roles that the corporate directors and the board play to ensure a balance of responsibilities between the directors and officers. Although the sharing of responsibilities was not the key goal towards the revision, the reform promised to

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