
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)

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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is one of the most substantial reforms in Medicare since 1965. This is now considered the law of the land according to Douglas Holtz-Eaton. The PPACA portrays a “coverage first” strategy. “Sadly, a review a of the state’s experience bodes poorly for the future of national reform.” (Point/Counterpoint 177) There are two major driving factors in which could propose a threat for this reform. The first factor is it costs too much. Many decades ago, healthcare spending was at a minimum and not the focal point of American citizens. The statics show during 1970, national health expenditures were $1,300 per person and consumed 7 cents out of every national dollar, 7% of the GDP. …show more content…

Dr. Donald Berwick also has an organization in support of Healthcare improvement. According to the Globe, “every year, up to 98,000 people are believed to die in American hospitals because of medical mistakes”. Berwick is aware of these results and is determined to be a voice in response to those fallen victims. He has come up with a plan that consists of taking the same energy and focus that has transferred other industries, into the healthcare system. He and his institution, along with hundreds of other healthcare organizations, are hard at work in supporting his theories. Berwick is looked upon as a revolutionary because he is standing up to the healthcare leaders and truly believes and supports that the healthcare system is broken. Dr. Donald Berwick states “first the healthcare system needs to be blown up”. His vision of a healthcare system would consist of calling the doctor in the morning and receiving an appointment in the afternoon. This appointment would also start on time not three hours later. “Medication errors-overdoses, allergic reactions, and other adverse responses-would be all but eliminated by the universal adoption of computerized drug-ordering systems.” (Globe 1) Hospitals would implement a “zero-tolerance” for workers who didn’t wash their hands, which could save 10,000 lives a year. Communication and patient-advocacy systems must be improved. If this was previously

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