
The Patterns Of Biological Diversity Throughout Rivers And Streams Among Taxa Vary On A Spatial And Temporal Scale Essay

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The patterns of biological diversity in rivers and streams among taxa vary on a spatial and temporal scale (Ligeiro et al. 2010; McGarvey and Terra 2015). Variations in stream ecology can be contributed to water quality, habitat, and history of disturbance (Lingeiro et al. 2010). Creeks and streams feed into rivers and other larger bodies of water, which provide food, water, and other commercial and recreational services as well as a home to an array of plants and animals which rely on clean water. The health of these smaller bodies of water can act as indicators for the health of the larger watershed. Benthic macroinvertebrates have been used to assess the health of aquatic environments. Quality analysis involves looking at benthic species composition and organization within the stream (Resh and Unzicke 1975). Different macroinvertebrates have differing sensitivities to pollutant, with some being more susceptible to environmental toxins than others (Metcalfe 1989). Such methods group macroinvertebrates in regards to their tolerance to pollution. The EPT Index looks at Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies, respectively) as indicators of aquatic community health. The idea behind the EPT Index is that healthier streams have a greater richness of species as many species of macroinvertebrates are intolerant of pollutions and thus will not be found in low quality bodies of water (Lenat 1988). Previous studies have found that EPT

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