
The Perfect Cup Of Steaming Java

Better Essays

The perfect cup of steaming Java cannot be born from some dubious can of ready-ground coffee over which you have exercised very little influence. No—if you are really after the best, and enjoy tinkering as a relaxing activity while your mind is pursuing it 's own machiavellian lucubrations on some arcane field of endeavor known to few... then read on friend: I will accompany you on a leisurely voyage of rediscovery and we will see that, in this age of industrially controlled tastes, we are actually freer than ever before to express our creativity and indulge our whims. We will take a look at the hows, the whys and the wherefores of brewing the smoothest and most fragrant cup, and at how the ubiquitous beverage was a catalyst to the two …show more content…

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