
The Performance The Beautiful Voice Is Natasha Agrama Who Is A Jazz Club On The Center Of Little Tokyo

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On Monday, January 11, 2016, Natasha Agrama and her friends performed a live jazz in Blue Whale Bar which is a jazz club on the center of little Tokyo, Downtown, Los angles. In the performance the beautiful voice is Natasha Agrama who is a young artist in Los Angeles to promote through her artistic freedom, healing, and creativity, through to modern jazz, and her friend Ruslan Sirota had played the piano. The handsome bass is Benjamin Shepherd, and Brijesh Pandya had beat a drum. In addition, Natasga Agrame had invited two special guests in there, the full of interesting saxophonist is Ian Roller and guitarist is David Sampson.
This was my first time to watch a live concert. Jazz is relying on improvisation and rhythmic music forms urgency. My friends who are jossph and joy and me advanced to Blue Whale on 8:45PM. Therefore, I could visit the bar and take some pictures. At the first, I saw the outside of bar and just think it is so small, yet I went into the bar and found Blue Whale have a lot of special places and isn’t a small bar. I had found different age, ethnic of people come to here to listen Jazz. I remember that there are many kinds of jazz music in the form of singing. Jazz is swing, rock, and many more. Swing is a jazz originated in the early part of the 20th century the United States. 1930s belong to sway. I was so lucky because I was able to listen a live jazz, and know many kinds of jazz in Blue Whale.
They began the jazz show in 9:15 PM. The concert opened

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