
The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

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Matos analyses The Perks of Being a Wallflower as a novel that progresses as the protagonist, Charlie, progresses. He states that not only does Charlie learn how to overcome his past as a wallflower, but as he matures, his writing does as well. The novel is written entirely in letters from Charlie to an unknown recipient, addressed by “friend,” so readers are subjected to Charlie's view on the world and himself, and not the view the world has on Charlie. He self reports everything going on in his life which, Matos points out, might cause a slight bias in writing and the exclusion of certain events. The novel starts when Charlie is about to begin high school, a time when he was very alone after the suicide of a close friend, and ends at the …show more content…

Charlie, a high school freshman, does not know who he is entirely. He seeks to find himself through high school, hopefully finding a way to be happy within those years. In school this year, the novels we have read all had the same main idea, which was tied to identity. As high school seniors, almost college freshmen, many of us are searching for our true selves. In the novel, Charlie seeks to find who he is, because he realizes he is more than the sadness that surrounds him at times. The articles agree, Charlie wants to find his place in the world, despite being thrown into high school all alone and without any direction. Charlie learns about himself and his issues throughout the novel, allowing readers to connect to him. The Perks of Being a Wallflower reminds me of A Catcher in the Rye due to the fact that both novels have to do with a teenager attempting to find who they are, and are both constantly challenged and placed on the banned books list. Both novels have the theme of a high school-aged kid who does not know where they belong and actively seeks to find that place for them. When Charlie is readmitted to the psych ward, it reminds me of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, due to the main setting being in a hospital. While the patients are all in for different reasons, they all bond over the similarity of struggle. As well, The Metamorphosis follows a man as he is transformed into an insect, while he undergoes change of everything he knows. Charlie was thrown into high school and expected to know where to go. The Perks of Being a Wallflower keeps on the senior year theme if identity, helping teens realize they can find who they truly

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