
The Person Missing: Hajra Uzma Shareef

Satisfactory Essays

The person missing is my friend from work, named Hajra Uzma Shareef. She is an 18-year-old girl, a high school senior. She is a Muslim immigrant from India, so she wears a hijab. She moved to Michigan 6 years ago and has been living here since the time of her arrival in America. People in her family, her teachers, and her friends from school and work call her by her middle name, Uzma. She is 5’5 tall and weighs approximately 100 lbs and has an average build, not too heavy or too slim. She has a round chin and face, with medium to dark complexion and a beauty spot or mole on her left chubby soft cheek. She also has a small scar right next to her nose from chickenpox/varicella she got when she was young. She has She has full, well-shaped, moist

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