
The Philosophy Of Landscape : A Project That Will Deal With Time

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Time and form, are perhaps the two things that mankind had tried to control since the dawn of time. However, it has always been a struggle to achieve such thing, since both are natural forces that we cannot control, nor can we create out of thin air. It is time that has been guiding many of the landscape architecture projects and is what we have been taught in school to make a project that will deal with time. A project that will remain the same or changed according to what we want with time. In addition, Form has been a natural force that has giving us a fundamental shapes that we can use to create projects and define the space that we want to use in a project. So what do these two supernatural forces have in common? It is to understand …show more content…

For instance, China consider buildings to be self-reproducing, that the need of one building leads to the needs of more buildings, therefore the buildings does not respect time but rather it multiply itself so its present can be there forever; on the other hand, landscape was meant to last forever, since the landscape will always remind same and evolve with time, adapting to its environment and surroundings. As the understanding of time begin to diminish, our understanding of space begin to grown exponentially, we learn that there is a scale to what we do, and that things can be too big or too small depending on the context of the project, so how did this happened? Well, all this happened when we begin to lose track of time, and we decided to design for the present, thinking of how it will work once the project is done. Even though we being to lost the understanding of time, it has helped us to understand the scale that if a project were to be too big than we will need to take more time to design it; so all the parts of that project can be expose to the public in a present form rather than waiting for the changes that will happen in the future. As we try to stamp our individuality in this world and struggle to keep on understanding time we being to see other routes on which we can try to design projects, and this has lead us to the middle distance. This is a link between the

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