
The Physiology Of Narcotics On The Brain And Body

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It is important to understand the physiology of narcotics on the brain and body, to attain a better picture of why drugs temporarily relieve emotional pain. Drugs have incredible consequences on the mind and body. Victoria said in her interview that cocaine made her feel extremely euphoric. Cocaine is a stimulant drug that gives energy, euphoria, and compulsiveness. Victoria even agreed that her heart rate increased quickly when she first used cocaine. The effects of drugs on the body can be detrimental to the body. Cocaine is categorized as a stimulant that increases the amount of dopamine that is in the brain. Dopamine is a hormone that is the brain’s reward and pleasure center. “Cocaine prevents the dopamine from being recycled, causing excessive amounts to build up in the brain. This amplifies the dopamine signal and ultimately disrupts normal brain communication.” (DrugFacts) A high is produced from this giving cocaine and extremely addictive quality. As Victoria said that after her first time using cocaine, when she came down from the high she could not think of anything else but wanting more. Cocaine’s high last between 15 to 45 minutes causing a constant obsessive mind to get more. The amount of dopamine in the brain causes the brain to change its chemistry. A tolerance can develop from the cocaine’s high which causes a need to use more, more often, or continue to find drugs to give a high. Addiction uses the term “chasing the high” after the first use which gives

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