
The Place Beyond The Pines

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The Place Beyond The Pines (2013) is a beautifully complex film written and directed by Derek Cianfrance. It’s told in triptych, meaning The Place Beyond The Pines is essentially three different films. The film covers the connection between two families (both from different social classes), whose paths cross over two generations in Schenectady, a town in New York [3]. In The Place Beyond the Pines, the criminal, his deviant path and his eventual entanglement with the police, serve merely as catalysts from which the real focus of the film emerges [2]. It brings attention to the relationships between fathers and sons and explores the roles that destiny, circumstance and chance can all play in a person’s life. Cianfrance used Post Modernism, …show more content…

All of these examples prove that the theme of masculinity is important in The Place Beyond The Pines.
Post Modernism is present in The Place Beyond The Pines. There is an absolute truth, and a grounded reality. These people are dealing with real consequences that are happening due to Avery’s critical action. There are no dreams or illusions. There is a universal reason. Like I said before, your actions will come back to haunt you, and Avery Cross deals with this in the final act of the film when he is confronted by Jason, Luke’s son. Cianfrance's film, The Place Beyond the Pines, has a straight linear movement that takes time over around 17 years [3]. Due to this, you are able to see the past and the present of the film, and this helps you connect to the story and know the history of these characters.
There are also some elements of Italian Neorealism in The Place Beyond The Pines. Social problems are being discussed, especially between class structures and differing views. There is a confrontation between good and evil [1]. I also believe this film puts content over style. Even though it does look very beautiful, the story is the driving force of the film. Another Neorealism element used in The Place Beyond The Pines is the real locations where the film takes place. There are beautiful shots of roads, and the woods, and the city they live in. It gives the film a more personal and

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