
The Place of Stunted Ironwood Trees Essay

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Second Simple Quiz In the book, The Place of Stunted Ironwood Trees, by Dr. David P. Crandall, the Himba's world structure is manifested through detailed information of their ideals and their social world, where the reader can truly see their lives. These ideals and cultural background that the Himba have explain and define their families and marriages, structure of government and politics, religion and spiritual life, and their place in the social structure. Himba just like any societies have expectations and social norms that they are used to. The author uses individuals and their actions to describe the collective imaginary world that the Himba live and are accustomed to. The ideals and beliefs of the Himba, relating to their …show more content…

The Himba believe that the wordly matters are a waste of time and should always remember to look for their god. "If human beings are so busy with trifling matters, they have no use for me" (Crandall 24). The himba also believes that Mukuru is the all mighty who created their home. "The world ws created for people to inhabit and all peoples of the earth are descended from the same original parents" (Crandall 24). The Himba thinks that only Mukuru knows what good for them and what to become of them, "I'm an old man and only Mukuru (God) knows what's to become of me" (Crandall 21). Mukuru is strongly believed to be the one to guide their people and no else should question his being and resolve. "The world is what it is and must be accepted as such; to do otherwise is foolishness" (Crandall 24). The Himba deem that questioning the world, created by Mukuru, is foolish and that they should believe in him and never question his ways and resolve. One can see that Murkuru has a huge impact on the Himba and they center their lives around him. Although, Mukuru is their one and only deity, they believe that their ancestors intervene in their lives, which governs their world. They are very respected by the people of Himba society. They believe that they bring blessings to their people and guide the new

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