
The Plebeians Role In Ancient Rome

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Ancient Rome consisted of two distinct bodies, the Patricians who ruled the state and the Plebeians who were ruled by the Patricians and were subject to the State. They differed greatly in regard to economic and political empowerment but nonetheless even though the Plebeians had less say they were equally important in making Rome a global power. The Plebeians were mainly important because the made up the working class which is important in any economy. They consisted of the farmers, the bakers and other activities mainly done by the lower classes. The Plebeians were mainly not important individually but when united they had much control and influence. The Plebeians were particularly important in contribution towards the army and the Patricians knew they could not fight the wars alone and succeed without their help. As documented by Morey (1901), during the first secession when the Plebeians deserted the army and left the Patricians to fight their own battles, the Patricians saw that the loss of the Plebeian army would be the destruction of Rome. They therefore had to be wooed back, and allowed to have more say in their affairs through the formation of the tribune of the people office. …show more content…

Despite their economic and political inequality of the Plebeians to the Patricians, they were very important to Rome and contributed to its success by their numbers, provision of labor, fighting in the army and later on in making of

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